What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a sideways curving of the spine that often gets started in childhood, when the bones of the spine are still growing.  The causes can be multiple: from abnormal bone development, to spinal misalignments obtained in early ages from the various forces taken due falls/tumbles/accidents.

Scoliosis can be detected by uneven shoulder heights, a loss of structural balance, a change in posture, or a spinal examination by our Chiropractor, Dr. Michele Foxworthy.

Early detection and Chiropractic Correcton is important for optimum results.

Unfortunately, the most common treatment approach has been to wait and see how bad it gets, resorting to unsightly braces, or eventually surgery, if it progresses to far. The Chiropractic approach is to use specific spinal adjustments, often combined with correctivce exercises.  If detected early enough, Chiropractic doctors have had excellent success with scoliosis cases.

Regular Chiropractic examinations can reveal small problems before they become serious.