If you are in pain, chiropractic care can provide much-needed pain relief. Anchor Holistic Health understands this too well. We offer various chiropractic services to patients in Farmington, MI, and the surrounding regions. Book an appointment today to see what chiropractic care can do for your health.
We have blended other natural treatments with chiropractic care to provide you with the best care you can get. Here are our services to promote your wellness today and for years.
Chiropractic Care
This treatment focuses on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems to address numerous conditions. First, chiropractor care aligns your critical joints by reducing nerve pressure. Then, once the nervous system works optimally, it can better coordinate all body functions for overall wellness.
Our Chiropractic Care could include a variety of techniques for your spinal adjustment. Techniques like: Arthrostim, Activator, Thompson, Diversified, Gonstead, Drop piece, Pierce, SOT, Toggle, Flexion/Distraction (spinal decompression). These techniques bring your body into proper alignment, resolving numerous conditions, including:
- Back pain: Whether you have lower, mid, or upper back pain, chiropractic care can provide relief.
- Sciatica: When your sciatic nerve is irritated, you may experience lower back pain and discomfort in your lower extremities. We use spinal decompression to manage sciatica.
- Herniated discs: Car accidents and sports injuries can dislodge your spinal discs, causing them to pinch nearby nerves.
- Migraines and headaches: Chiropractic care can reduce the frequency and intensity of head pain.
- Scoliosis: A severe spine curvature may cause back pain and limited mobility.
Since all patients aren’t the same, don’t expect a one-size-fits-all solution in our clinic. Instead, our chiropractor varies your chiropractic care treatment depending on your specific needs.
Our Chiropractors are trained in a variety of techniques. These techniques include: Diversified, Thompson, SOT, Drop, Flexion-Distraction, Activator, Arthrostim, Gonstead, CBP, Pierce, and Toggle.
Applied Kinesiology
“Triad of Health”, the total person approach to health.
Health is dependent upon a balance between Structure, Body Chemistry and Mental well-being. These three basic factors need to be considered in maintaining or restoring health naturally. They form an equilateral triangle: “The Triad of Health”. If one side of the triad becomes deficient, diminished health results and may lead to a significant health problem.
Laser Therapy
L.A.S.E.R. (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is a name for a type of intense radiation of the light spectrum. A laser is a beam of light in which high energies can be concentrated. Laser light has unique physical properties, which other types of light do not have. These are coherence and monochromaticity. These are what makes laser light is so effective compared to other kinds of light in the field of pain reduction and healing. Laser treatment (also known as phototherapy and low level laser therapy) involves the application of low power coherent light to injuries and lesions to stimulate healing and reduce pain. It is used to increase the speed, quality and strength of tissue repair, resolve inflammation and give pain relief. Low level laser technology has been found to offer superior healing and pain relieving effects compared to other electrotherapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, especially in dealing with chronic problems and in the early stages of acute injuries. Low level laser technology is a complete system of treating muscle, tendon, ligament, connective tissue, bone, nerve, and dermal tissues in a non-invasive, drug-free modality.
Corrective Exercises
Rest may work if you have joint or other pain, but you need exercises to aid mobility. For example, our chiropractors may recommend stretching exercises to add resilience to core muscles. Yet, stretching exercises also restore mobility and subsidize pain.
Lifestyle Advice
Your everyday life could contribute to your pain. So our chiropractors review your medical history, occupation, exercise regimen, healthy habits, and other personal lifestyles to understand your whole health picture. Then, we may recommend specifics like whole food nutritional support, weight reduction methods, stress management options, and daily correct posture habits, depending on your findings.
Nutritional Counseling
Your diet plays a significant role in your overall wellness. Utilizing the Applied Kinesiology Assessment protocol, we can recommend specific nutritional support to better individualize our recommendations. We recommend an organic, non-processed or packaged diets to help restore balance in your body. In addition, our recommended nutrition protocol will promote speedy recovery and reduce inflammation, improve your sleep pattern and promote a positive mindset.
Find Pain Relief with a Chiropractor Near You
Are you tired of living a life of pain? If you are local to Farmington, Farmington Hills, Livonia, Novi, schedule an appointment with Anchor Holistic Health. We provide numerous services to help you meet your health care goals.